The next major upgrade to the Ethereum protocol, called Shanghai, is expected to be activated in March of this year. During their first call this year, altcoin developers came to a consensus that one of the features of Shanghai would be the ability to withdraw coins from a deposit smart contract. Accordingly, ETH stakers will soon be able to get their hands on their coins.

One of the main components of the update is a significant reduction in fees for second-layer solutions based on Ethereum. This will make the altcoin more accessible and faster for use in the field of decentralized finance. The second important update will be the optimization of storage and access to data in the blockchain. Finally, the aforementioned ability to withdraw your coins from staking in the deposit smart contract will also apply to the update.

By the way, the lack of clear conditions regarding the possibility of withdrawing ETH for validators could be called one of the reasons why Ethereum has the lowest circulating supply of staking coins compared to other popular Proof-of-Stake projects.

As you can see in the chart below, the Solana network currently stakes 68 percent of the SOL in circulation, while the corresponding BNB figure reaches 90 percent. 14 percent of Ethereum is a really low result, which is most likely due to the lack of clarity regarding the possibility of withdrawing ETH from the deposit contract. Fortunately, she has now appeared.

We believe that the ability to withdraw coins from staking the Ethereum network will really make this activity more popular. After all, in this case, users will understand that their coins will not be stuck in the deposit contract for an indefinite period, so it will be easier to send coins there. Well, the growth of coins in staking will increase the security of the blockchain, which is also good news.