The closer the US presidential election, the deeper politics affects all sorts of industries. For the crypto niche, this event is also very important, because the next head of state will determine the course in regulating digital assets. In general, voters have two choices: Republican representative and former US President Donald Trump, as well as current US Vice President Kamala Harris. Although, as some celebrities note, the coin industry will receive new rules for existence regardless of the final choice of the American people.

There are so many cryptocurrency owners in the US that this mass of votes will definitely affect the outcome of the elections. Trump’s team realized this at the beginning of the year, as a result of which Donald has been voicing current promises regarding the regulation of cryptocurrencies for several months now.

But in the camp of Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, there is still no clearly stated position on crypto. Given this, digital asset enthusiasts saw Trump as the best option specifically for the crypto and blockchain sphere.

Renowned investor and Shark Tank host Kevin O’Leary shared an important thought as the November elections approach. He said the outcome of the vote may not have a long-term impact. Here’s the quote from Decrypt.

The issue of cryptocurrency regulation has appeared on the agenda of both parties. We will have a new system of regulation of digital assets regardless of who exactly takes the presidential chair in the White House.

According to the politician, the only exception could be the sale of coins to pay off the US national debt in the event of growth in digital assets.